Hi Mod,

My iPhone is iphone 6 plus

I realize I can't
select all

On the words I type in my chat box when I am log on.

iPhone 5 and 5s no issue

Only iPhone 6 plus

Is it because the screen is bigger? 5.5 inch
So I guess u guys need to do an update to suit iPhone 6 plus users

Please solve this issue asap

Second issue, I realize when this winter event map is realize
iPhone users
iPhone 5 5s 6 plus
Will auto walk. Means the key will be jammed to certain direction for 10 to 15 seconds auto walk.
I am not sure about android users
But iPhone users is a sure.

Please fix these two issues asap
It's making us die easily when we are in elite maps

Spamming a lot of ankh isn't nice a thing to experience