Welp, that's it for me. I hadn't been playing PL lately because I was waiting for any kind of of update, or at least some acknowledgement of the game's future. Check the forums for the first time in a while and here it is. I appreciate the closure, so that we're not continuing to sit around and wait, but at the same time disappointed that PL has been left behind. If you don't have the resources to support all your games, maybe you shouldn't be making new games. Just sayin'. I know it's probably more exciting for you guys to work on your newer games, but none of your games will have a future if you're spreading yourselves that thin.

One of the things that kept me playing PL for a long time was the commitment I saw to developing the game long-term, saying things like "we're going at least to level 100." Seeing it now abandoned makes me far less likely to plunge into another game, knowing how it's expiration date will always be looming. AL gets all the attention now, but maybe two years from now there'll be something else that leaves AL on the back burner. I've given every game you've created a shot, and they're all very well made and fun in their own way, but somehow none have duplicated the playability and addictiveness of PL from my perspective. So, this is where me and STS part ways, it would seem. I know "cutting the cord" was probably a tough decision for you all to make, but with that done, it unfortunately makes my decision all too easy. Good luck, guys, all the best.