Hey uhm, this is my 1337 post, and it is just a quick question for Gary. I know you all have a new moba planned, but after that, what? A lot of us chose PL for a couple simple reasons.

-Simple quick interface.
-Great control layout (including the way you can rotate your screen)
-Massive amount possiblities
-Multiplayer capabilities
-Historical life

This last one may not strike you as important, but it is. Endgame Cap rings and vanities have kept many of us going for years. The enjoyment of pieceing together a 3pc ring that looks cool, and not many else have... Is a great thing. Despite the hate recieved from this, I would love to see this implemented in a future game. It doesn't even need to be a heavily over powerful item.

So my question is, will STS ever developed a new MMORPG, with some of the things I listed above? AL has some of these things but not all.

I appreciate this thread. It helps to lay things out there.
