warrior skill should be buffed up. boss already 2hits with normal dps so doing feeble doesn't make any sense. i think it should also reduce dmg.

although I hav 6.6k hp and 2.4k armour, it doesn't make any sense in T2. I still need to use Like 5-10 ankhs

hp and armour should be 7.5k and 3k as avg respectively. then would be good. as war dnt do much dmg.
avg rogues and mages hav way dps and dmg then avg warriors. it's ok. they can kill easily I.e. offensive it's ok. their job is satisfactory.
y warriors can't survive easily (defensive) the way DPSer kills easily. they die like DPSer. warrior 6k hp and DPSer 3k hp makes no difference.

either enhance warrior skill so to be truly called as "warriors" or buff warrior stats. or change the map difficulty mechanics (whic is currently higher armour/hp, more difficulty)