The big question is: which pet is better? Ever since sts has been creating pets and weapons that emulate the mage class (debatable on whether its a class or a pet now) mages have gone down hill. I should restate that, mages have gone FURTHER down hill. After the promise of a mage buff, they instead buff a vanity pet that only 30 other people have. yay30 people are happy but 1/3 of the community is still expecting a mage buff.

Instead of mages being the only pet to add mana, sts introduced nexus and hooten. Now we also have a buffed nekro which adds a shield that is almost as powerful as the sorcerer's shield. Also there is another dragon pet which adds a shield too. Nexus and hooten add mana, replacing the need for a mage's heal. Nekro gives the wearer a shield, replacing the need to hide behind a mage (sarcasm). What next? A zeus pet that hovers on a curse cloudwhile shooting lightning from the sky? Ok yea that would be cool but use mages seriously need something in favor for them, and not just a little shield buff either.

Sts made us a promise, we should hold them to it. We need a buff. We also need an aimshot pet, maybe a gun that procs healing packs, and a turtle that grants 20% damage reduction and invincibility to movement impairing or stuns

Post below which pet you think is better, and what pet, gun, or staff you think should be added that grants the wearer an ability from one of the other classes. Thanks for reading my little rage thread