Quote Originally Posted by DivineMoustache View Post
I need to clarify what I meant, I apologize.

You've played VG before once or twice right? You know how you can just choose whatever hero you want and play with your buddies who choose their regular heroes?

What if my old character is level 10 as are my buddies, but then I want to switch to a character I've had no experience with. This would make my party a level 1 hero, and level 10 hero, and another level 10 hero. How would you match this up? Would you have 3 level 7 heroes fight us? Would it be matched to the highest level in the party and have 3 level 10s fight us? Is there even team queueing that's not a private match?
I have played that game, but rage quit every time

In your (very) specific example, I don't believe you would be matched up in ranked play, but you could host a custom match that would allow that.