Check this out...
I had this image of a huge elite dungeon in my head.

It's a big ole thing, with the standard 5 elite players.
BUT. Those players can bring in or hire another 6 players who they can boot. These players would be a maximum of 20 levels below the elite hirer.

The reason why would be HUGE monsters that no standard party could take. Say...a dragon! This dragon could be...4 or 8 tiles large...or however big. Armor ratings could be 10x normal or higher. They can only be moved a small small percent of standard mobs.

Now, those footsoldiers, armed with bows, spears, etc, would do what it could to break armor or otherwise harry the creature while the elites do the damage. What a use for the ridiculous DPS stuff like daggers! What a great use for proc weapons! A 50 h/s wouldn't be so great if there was half a dozen Brainerators smacking on it.

These creatures would drop some really elite gear, as well as a bunch of trash from all different levels.

man, how cool would this be.

there would be some....lag....I guess. heh