Im on a 2 hour train journey and have lots of time to kill.. so here goes

NEW PET- Shadow
CLASS - Arcane
DESCRIPTION - takes shape of ur character(mage/rogue/war) painted in complete black...well like your shadow
When idle it either becomes a shadow circle on the floor or becomes your actual shadow
AA - Canceller
It lasts for 10 sec( shown by a dissipaton of the pet i.e. it spreads around like a fog to show the attack has been activated) Any AA performed by rival pet is cancelled( for pvp) and boss special moves are cancelled( for pve)
CD - 40-50 sec.....Since the AA is super OP and for 10 sec,.its cooldown should be long
PA - during attacks it randomly takes shadow form of the major pet classes( wolf, pup, monkey, owl, toucan, etc) and performs their passive.... since the no. Of pets is too massive to incorporate all, the passive of one pet from all classes should be available... the pet it transforms into should be random not consecutive or serialised.
Happiness bonus - undecided

So this was just my imagination running wild..what do you guys think?