This just me but y b worried about what happens with other players if u had u could do to. If there is another pet necro that can compete what does moveing pet to another toon acomplish they still have to possibly face necro. They were nice enough to allow 1 time trade but if it doesnt benefit u u complain just b happy they allow and maybe a perk might come u way 1 day. Y does every1 say p who pay get advantage i donated 90$ and i dont have anything special who cares its a great game for a f2p game so i wanna donate to keep it going maybe try a subscription game it u want what u pay for cause i know me and majority we dont pay so there nothing to expect. Have fun dont tread on another man if he isnt harming game they earned it whats wrong with putti g on another 1 of their toons all this complaining will kill if they ever thought about allowing u to switch between all toons on acct. They own build and design game they can do what they want u dont pay whats the prob how is it affecting u that only the lb winners out of entire community get that 1 time option this games pvp isnt suppurb and frankly screwed up if ur that i to pvp i would suggest trying one of the upper echelon game where lots of strategy involved not ganging or 1 button timeing and this is a game company not wall street last time i cheaked d.c. didnt pass any laws that say game companies cant give small tidbits of info, which is kinda shady i agree, where as insider tradeing involves peoples livelyhood and put ppls financial stability at stake lmfao compare a f2p to insider tradeing where real dirty things happen lol its life things happen like this everyday in ur normal life but u learn to blow it off makeing big and i will say constructive points wont fix whats dont they know their game plan in at start game they had road kap to i wanna say 80 90 higher than game goes i know for sure and im sure its same here i play as if ill b here till end sts will release pet again its a pet not a lvl 15 limited chest from s1 not all pets should be available like clockwork will prob have more ppl participate and try to win bring interest up in sub games i see way to much complaining about what sts does with their company u have a choice play enjoy or move on they game will still b here its a great game so im certain very few would follow if quit this affect a very limited amount ppl every1 wants things their way not carei g about the next guy if u cant get necro move ur lvl if still dont work that proves pvp here flawed move on to more fairly played pvp game not doging u personally i been on forums for years now but dont say much just read and ive been seeing to much negativity but very few threads when ppl get lucky or a break or something constructive that would help game just negativity and worrying about thing that r out of their control if u can do better make ur own game if not face it ur a player just like me so spend more time finding ways to have fun not ways to have hostility in ur heart everytime u log on its pixels u can pull half this stuff off in real world u can chew me out try make me feel dumb i do t care wont reply just dont seem alot ppl enjoy playing game make it to much like life and make it about the possesions