Yes. TheAppRadar is giving away 3 copies of the great game ‘Pocket Creatures’. This contest will be very easy and end within the next 3 days.
The contest is a ‘First come, First served’ contest. All you have to do is:
Send an email to: and enter subject ‘Promo 05′
Your code will be replied to you within 24 hours a few hours before the contest ends.
The codes will only last until the new build of Pocket Creatures is out, which will contain the following improvements:
- Added leaderboard and challenges to arcade mode – Rearranged title screen and renamed game modes
- Added game mode descriptions – Reduced app size to below 20MB
- Optimized OpenFeint performance on title screen
The primary thing we have done is to implement challenges and leaderboad for the ‘Survival mode’ which is now called Arcade. Hopefully this will make arcade mode more appealing and add reply value. Besides this we have optimized the build significantly so it should now be under 20 mb.