Quote Originally Posted by synfullmagic_23110 View Post
iwould but my service provider isnt as fast of my wifi (duh)so it takes tooo long to download maybe once my wifi is back up i will
just curios what type of game is it i really coulndt tell when i looked at the app
It's an RPG where you go into zones, fight enemies and hack and slash your way to the boss. It's also a small MMO, although I haven't been able to run any maps with other players, and im not sure if we can or not yet. There is a town where you can see other players and chat. There are guilds, etc. It has an arena where you fight bot-versions of other players, which I thought was pretty cool. It's also got PvP of course, but I haven't tried that out yet. The most impressive thing for me is the combat and how it's kinda like DMC in the fact that it's hacknslash and you can juggle enemies in the air and land combos, etc. I guess quite a few players that play AL also went over to play TCP as well. A bunch of my fellow guildies play it