Quote Originally Posted by Echelong View Post
Well pure int is by no means bad, I have tried paly, hybrid and pure; I gotta tell you pure is by far the most I enjoy why? Because of the challenge, max damage and heals. The downside is you have to be able to time your heals and drain life and anticipate when drain life will hit, need to be fast on the pots and fire traps can one hit you most of the time. If you want to survive a bit longer you can use a wand bracer setup but I prefer using a staff for max damage except for catacombs and roach.

Paly is a good build for me it was easy mode I used it for leveling since its easier to stay alive (I was dual spec). The bad things is you lose a lot of skill damage and healing. Good is you can go up front without much worries. If you have full fury you have little to worry about you have enough mana and health regen and lots of armor. It does however lack hit% with will be 78%ish and damage.
Thanks alot i find your post very useful
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