Quote Originally Posted by epicrrr View Post
I am generally OK with balances and fixes that's necessary.

What we ROGs dont support is on an arcane pet (which almost all have +dmg) this bonus is unavailable to us , now thats been going for a long time now which the majority dont really care till now that STS has been buffing skills of sorcs and warriors. Real world value and scenario this is unacceptable - since we are going the road of skill updates and class balances this should also be addressed now.
Haha... I hear ya... I've been complain about sns for a year now with no luck...

I'm not sure if there's enough players to facilitate it, but I would love gear based pvp rooms.. I'd even unequip pets or gear to make gear limits... Something like common gear, rare gear, legendary gear, mythic gear, and arcane gear limited rooms would be really cool (sorry if off topic)