Hmm, so recently I have moved up from 31 to 50 and 75? Yeah somewhere there. This post is purely my opinion and I was hoping for a change in PVP. I have played mage for more than four years and the thought of bears having insanely op dodge doesn't seem to go away. Mages after level 50 zone tend to get "nuked" easily after beckon and stomp. Well that's not the case for pally mages up at 56+, but at 50-56, mages suffer with their low M/S rates. Why is M/S rates so important, when bear beckon and stomp, I am pretty sure mages are only left with the option of using Mana shield aka MS. Now if the mage uses MS, bears will most likely rush in and use crushing blow (Hit lowering skill for bears) and Hellstorm (Also a hit lowering skill for bears). If mages are hit by the two bear skills, they will have a seriously low hit percent. The dodge that bears get from (Evade - Increases bear dodge) + (Taunt - Also increases bear dodge) becomes a major problem for mages at this stage. Currently, I am playing level 50 death shotty mage, and when bears dodge off all my skill and yes, I mean all of my skill "Drain, frost, icestorm, lightning, firestorm", I am out of choices. If mages are paying other players to buy these expensive sets off of other players, they should have a certain advantage. However, when I am playing, it's usually the case where mages argue about the bear dodges which is insane at this point. So I am asking Space Time Studios for a certain changes, even though I am afraid that PL is out of business atm.


-Lower the bear dodge rates
-Alter the cooltime of evade or taunt in a slower phase so that other classes get an opportunity to hit the bears when they are at a lower dodge phase.
-HS / CB, these skills should be limited to one because two of these makes hit percent go negative.
-Change the stats of the bears, especially on the sets. Instead of 6-8 dodges on a single gear of drainers or raid roach / sm / bt sets, maybe lower them to 2-3 dodges.
-Increase the M/S for mages at these levels, so that mages gain another change for a survival. (Well I do know MM sets and other sets have high M/S, they too die easily to bears)
-Increase the range for mage debuffs, if mages hit debuffs at 6-8m? I believe we get hit by hs and a bear coming in can use cb quickly to ruin mage hit rates. So maybe debuffs can be changed to 12m instead of 6m?
-I am pretty sure a lot of people will agree on this last one, lower the damage /dps and dodge rates on plat packs. Plat packs are insane, a single of beckon and stomp combo kills the mages.
-This really is the best solution but, get rid of halloween pinks (Yes I did want to say that). Winterfest pinks /ssc / other sets are enough, i don't really understand why halloween sets were released but they give too much dodge boost.
-If this post doesn't seem convincing, I hope PL devs can test this theory of bears having too much dodge. I wish I really can say get rid of dodge lol but that's too much. Bears are way too overpowered imo, not at 50 under though. Please do something about the plat packs too

Again, this is purely my perspective and thoughts, if this offended any of you bears or players in general, I apologize but before saying something, please try mage at levels 50+. I don't know much about endgame but endgame seems to be determined with 2pc / 3 pc rings. Well anyways, thanks for reading and enjoy PL, PL community.

-Artplay GM (Coordinate)-