Quote Originally Posted by Imsofancy View Post
lol, not trying to engage you, im trying to figure out what happened to lighting skill.
It's just a wording change, nothing happened to the skill itself:

Quote Originally Posted by Fibus View Post
Hi folks,

As Remiem mentioned in her update post, this was indeed purely a text change. On a critical hit, without the Positive Surge upgrade, a critical Lightning Strike will do 150% of its normal damage. With the Positive Surge upgrade, a critical Lightning Strike will instead do 250% of its normal damage. In order to be consistent with the way we word skills and upgrades, the text was changed to communicate how much of an increase this upgrade provides. In this case, it is a 66% increase in the damage dealt by a Lightning Strike critical hit. Hope that clears things up.
Taken from http://www.spacetimestudios.com/show...-Lighning-nerf