The issue is not how fast someone can spam on a given device. The issue is that the "smartly infuriating" chat is a game breaking feature that should never have been implemented without asking the community if they felt such a thing would be useful.

The fact that some chrome users find it useful is a moot point, due to the fact that we know the game does not operate the same on chrome as on the mobile devices it was developed for. That is why so many exploits are found on chrome by those users. Spammers aside, the problem is for actual players who run maps while trying to coordinate a party, handle multiple pm's to an assortment of people, and run a guild at the same time.

I fail to comprehend why STS has, against the community's repeated requests, kept this feature in place when they are not making the fix a priority. If I encountered this chat failure in a game I was just starting out in, I would be off to find another game before I reached level 10.