My sorc is now level 29 and I now have this:

1. Lifegiver: 3/5 - Recover Mana, Increased Range (because Warriors are always begging me "mana plz")
2. Shield: 4/5 - No Knockback
3. Fireball: 4/5 - No Hit Chance Redux (Scorch)
4. Frost Bolt: 3/5 - DoT for Freeze, Increase Duration of Freeze - I replaced Lightning Strike with this to be in my normal skillset

5. Lightning Strike: 3/5, Damage Increase, Critical Damage Increase - In new testing, I found Frost Bolt is better than this skill after all, but I replace Fireball with Lightning during Boss fights where the boss is the only enemy because it does more damage

For Passives, I have:

5/5 Intelligence
5/5 Strength

And if you have actually been doing the math, I have one skill point unassigned for now. Still deciding what to use it for.