99% of endgame PvP birds are pure dex.
The damage is high on pure dex birds, but it has its disadvantages. One biggest counter is called Beckon+Stomp or Ice+Fire.
Birds tend to take so much damage from AoE spells, that in teamfights they are literally feeding opponents with kills.

I have been playing around with my L73 Beastly warbird with my own personal build made for warbird only (It sucks for pure dex, since dexbird dies so fast I dont get the advantages off it.)
73 warbird is a decent matchup against 76/77 mages, birds, foxes, rhinos, dexbears.

77 Lust warbird however has more skill damage, more survivability and more health, dodge and even crit.
Damage is still higher than lets say pallys or bears can do, as long as you avoid hit% debuffs.
Bears are not considered as "OP" as many birds say, since as a warbird you can survive full beckon stomp sms combo and quickly regen back to full hp.

Warbirds playstyle is very different. I personally like to go to melee range when fighting birds and mages, but I avoid bears. I use Avian scream s part of my burst, not just as an escape skill. It also has a knockback so combining it with repulse is great way to keep foxes away or end dexbirds lives with a nice big throw.

I think everyone who has a 77 bird and str Lust set, should spend 4 plat and try to learn it. I say its as viable as dagger bears, if you use it right.

Share your experiences below people!