Firstly, I love visual aspects of the new maps as well as the music! It's much brighter in a gloomier setting which is awesome! The music is upbeat as well as enchanting! Seems like its going to be an excellent system! My only real complaint is the Helena witch sounds are back! Shoot, those screams will freakout/annoy people sooner than later, but it's pretty cool how she puts a defensive barrier around the mobs with nice visuals! It's a que for us to take her down first

Secondly, and probably most important is the new token system for buying arcane items. Many have speculated, and I as well, but I'm pretty sure you guys are implementing a token reward system for plat spenders should they loot nothing in crates after 1000 openings. If this is the case, please make the tokens a guaranteed drop from every Rage of Rengol crate as well as the elite golden chests, and occasionally from an elite boss like how teeth would drop. This would allow plat spenders to get what they want faster, and free players something to work towards! Heck, even I'm tempted to open some chests/crates to do it via a token system rather than pure luck system.

Lastly, and most important, there is no Stash in the new village town!! Put it beside the CS Auction please! The worst city so far was Nordr Stronghhold because the CS and Stash were located the farthest away and it shouldn't need to be like that! Would be nice if the portal to the new village was only one jump away from getting to the Auction like in Tindirin as well! Seems like the new town as well as all the maps are much larger in size as compared to previous expansion maps. Not bad!