Ok, so first bit of feedback about the new expansion is that Goretusk is brutal. He's like Elite BloodHammer, Sorrax, and Alpha Wolf's bastard step child, LOL.

Not only does he have pretty quick wind ups that stun for about 3-5 secs, but he also has a reflect shield like our good ol' pal Alpha Wolf from the Nordr expansion. The reflect on Goretusk, however, is much harder to predict - with Alpha Wolf we had both the visual and audio cue of him stopping to howl in order to know when to steer clear of his reflect shield.

Goretusk on the other hand is a lot harder to predict. As a visual cue we get the animations for Razor Shield spinning around him, which is the red flag that his reflect shield is up and not to touch him, but there isn't an audio cue like Alpha Wolf's howl. At best, you might be able to see him do the classic warrior shout animations before the Razor Shield goes up, but that's only if you're not running for your life as he chases you across the boss room. And that's while you're also taking attacks from the band of merry Orcs (which are never ending and come at faster intervals) as his HP gets lower.

I can already see that it's designed to gouge you for ankhs at every 15-20 seconds if you're not careful. So I'd like to suggest that you guys give us a better set of cues for when that reflect shield is gonna go up. Because tbh, that particular skill is already a nightmare in normal maps I don't even want to think about what kind of horror that will be in elites.