Quote Originally Posted by SoShaan View Post
Dont let the number of quest completed fool ya. I was lv45 when they added the quest system. Now im lv56 and have no
intenction of doing any quest. I have like 9 done, and those were by accident.
Quest teach nothing about gameplay, they only teach non farmers how to earn loot.
Strange view on quests.

I consider quests to be the "Game."

Farming and grinding are just side things to do -- time killers more than completing anything "productive." Not saying they aren't satisfying, but if there's not a next quest to complete, why get better equipment or stats? (With the exception that we can hope there will continue to be a push up in level on quests, too.)

Are the quest rewards always worthwhile? Nope. That's something STS needs to work on, I think. Some of the rewards, though, are very worthwhile.

And, no, I don't PvP. That is different.