Anyone have any firm ideas on this? I guess I've just been following the accepted pattern and am wondering how others may be faring with different specs - but as a traditional Enchantress.

My specs below:
Mysteriane (lvl 33)
Str 21 - Dex 42 - Int 119
Kills 3003 - Deaths 232
Hit - 108
Crit - 17
Dodge - 2
Health - 210
Regen - 7 (Owl stuff best for health regen)
Mana - 360
Regen - 3
Damage 66-82
DPS 35
Armor - 52
Thinker's Mage Snowcap
Ice Wand of the Owl
Bone Cloth of the Owl
Thinker's Demonic Eyeball Bracer