Hey everyone, I know you've read this thread thousands of times but I'm bore of not having any updates but I'm reassured by all the players thy have stayed loyal and I think would definitely return if it came back alive wth updates so here is my idea:
There could be a vote a community vote on let's say two different stages so 1st one is the most likely this is because a certain amount of votes for the option of paying a monthly fee that's pretty small but enough to five sts a decent income as well as platinum income to the point where it's profitable to bring back updates.
Then the 2nd let's say stage requires more people to vote for pl to come back and agreeing to paying a fee and if its substantially more then the fee could be less than the first option as there may be more people which means more money from the monthly fee and platinum for all then that want to get 77 as fast a possible .
Sorry that I haven't explained it as well as I would of liked but I'm in but of a rush.
Thanks for reading and I hope you like the idea.