Quote Originally Posted by G-M View Post
Hi Everyone,

Does it feel to you like Arcane Legends is a whole new game these days? It sure feels that way to me. It's been so much fun to play the game and read your feedback on the Rebuilding of Garetta, the Ren'gol expansion, and Ursoth's Assault over the past seven weeks. Today our game is stronger than ever and it's all thanks to you.

With Ren'gol released and Ursoth well underway you're probably wondering what's next. Well wonder no more!

Coming next month:
Ren'gol Elite dungeons: Arriving hot on the heels of Ursoth these new dungeons will give you a chance to prove your skills to earn rewards of mythic proportions.
The King Awakens: Something is stirring. What could it be? Legends speak of Northal, an ancient Orc warrior king who will soon rise from his eternal slumber. Will you be there to greet him when he wakes up?

…and beyond:
Duels: A number of you have proposed this idea and we've been listening. We're hard at work on a new PvP mode that will allow you to test your might against your friends (or enemies) in one-on-one matches.
Halloween: We're already hard at work on one of our biggest events of the year. We're putting some fresh new twists on the formula and adding new pets, bosses, and gear. Stay tuned for more on this in the coming weeks!

Last but not least, thank you for being the best community a game developer could ask for. Your ideas, encouragement, and yes even criticism drive us forward day after day.

Please work on the rest of my Ideas...


We also need a new map or system of 5-5...