Dont worry bout shards they are more then players are playing game now day..
Price is bumped for once it will come down to 400-500k again soon
Cause getting recipi and other thing is going to be hard then getting shards..
And my 40-50% of guildies are crafting stampy then i will not craft him cause 1 stampy is enough for a party to counter sns
It will just replace 1 toor or 1 maridos from party in pvp
2 nekro will stay in party .
It will remove mari or toor from wvery party..
So pet is not that usefull .
Cause how many players are playing al now days who have sns.
I mean i hardly see 1 or 2 players every day with sns..
With stampy sns will going to be a myth
No one will use him .
Lol market is un stable now days.
If peoples are thinking that price of shards will go up to 2-3 million then its imposible.
It will vome down again..
In a few days after stampy come to market