Hello STS support!
I know that you no care this game anymore.. So please sell this game to one other company!! I think many conpany will give you offer for this game and if you sell then the DL again will be very good game because i think the new support will update and give us events allways and they will get so much profit bexause this game no died and if the players see that have allways updates and events then more and more players will play with this game and more and more players will buy platinum this game will awesome! So please help us and sell this game! 100% that one other company will buy because this is one great game we players need one new support whos will update and give us events new vanities gems missions weapons etc.. If you sell then you will get money and we players will get one awesome game with events and updates...
Other players if you read this topic then write below if you too want that they sell this game to one other company! I know that this support never will update or givr us new missions vanities wrapons gems etc.. But one new 100% that will update the game..