Hello fellow Arlorians! Today I will be introducing you to our guild, Dedication!

We are an endgame based PvP guild, and are just starting out. We are looking to create a strong guild with only selected few people, and make friends along the way.

I am Clearview, your guild master. I will be the one you ask questions about, help you with builds, and answer your questions. I am always open for questions, so don't be afraid to ask, I don't judge

Our two Officers are Morningvvood / Iblamelag and Decimationz. They are also open to questions and don't judge. They are my backup and if I'm not on you may look towards them for help.

Requirements :
Active Players
Decent KDR
Decent Gear And Stats
Not a Guild Hopper

Leave your application below stating your Class, IGN, KDR, and Gear! I will be sure to respond ASAP, and feel free to PM me in-game @Clearview!

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