Questions :-

1. Which is the best map among the 3 to farm Insignias?
2. How many Insignias are needed to complete whole Orcslaying Questline ?
3. Does Insignias drop only on re-roll of lepre or is lepre not necessary to get one ?
4. Does Rune drop from Effigy ?
5. Is Northal Awakening a event or part of expansion [Asking this as there is an daily quest with tag reward] ?

Ideas :-

1. As orc fangs are needeed for mythic quest & they drop from mobs in elite maps it would be great if they make Insignias drop from mobs of normal map as they are required for completing legendary quest as its drop rate is too low.

2. As we have learnt from the last update that chaos jewels have been added to planar tombs it would be good if they could add WEAK Fineese, Fury & Mind to arena master chests which will be like an replacement of reinforced Fire, Blood & Glacial Gems.

3. Twilight vanity is available at klaasi for 250 Orc tags [125 Tags a piece] just like it adding Nightfall vanity for orc tags with an increase in price[Tags] like for 500 Orc tags [250 Tags a piece].

4. Adding Orc fang drop to northal boss & make Insignia & Orc fang purchasble by using orc tags for 50 Tags as Noremite Ignot is available for 30 Tags.

5. Last but not least increase jewel drop rate of Fineese, Fury & Mind from mobs of respective maps or delete a step of crafting these 3 jewels to next level i.e. removing the cracked jewel drop & directly make Damage jewels to drop & so the crafting can be started from Damage jewel.

Please do post your Answers, Suggestions & Tips.