At the moment i have a pure dex archer thats level 37.

I have received a lot of advise that pure dex birds are the best because they greatly help out with boss killings, but they seem to die easily.(only have 1 death so far tho )

I was wondering what the advantages of being a str/dex dual spec bird are. For example, how well can they can tank a boss, how much damage do they deal, how different it is from being pure dex, benefits or disadvantages in pvp ect.

Also, ive read some of the guides and it seems that maxing all skills except avian scream, restore, and meditation is the best build. (avian scream at 1 with no restore of medi.)

My question here is that is restore or meditation needed to pvp?

If thats the case should i rank them both at 1 and make thorn wall and repulse shot 5?

Thanks for the feedback.