That probably wasn't the best way to express your opinion. Flame= Fire Fighters needed to put out. It doesn't help your case and only does the opposite of what you intended. While I agree with your standpoint that STS should focus more on end game then releasing maps such as this, since not everybody is into twinking and while I get that they want to attract more newcomers, they also should put some more focus on end game, so they don't lose their end game player base.

How you could have put this thread?:

Hi Spacetime Studios,

Lately I have been really frustrated with the way things have been going, as I have pretty much seen only lower levels get content updates and there hasn't been content updates that appeal to the end game audience in quite a while. If you could provide us with some inside information or let us know of future updates that cater towards the end game content, besides level cap's increase, that would be great. Some suggestions I have are; (Insert your suggestions here).

Just a rough outline .