Quote Originally Posted by Baked-Potato View Post
I'm a moderator over. On their forums.

Lone is only a moderator on the forums. In-Game Game Masters/Moderators will be chosen by the devs before initial release.

The games release is set. For Decemeber 7th, but the first closed beta is July 11th, but its full. Unless you purchase the lava Dragon mount, yoou won't be able to get in now.

Be sure to check out their channel on youtube. They have videos of many bosses/mobs/and dungeons. They put out atleaset a new video of a boss/mob everyday. The graphics are execellent imo. Most of the effects aren't shown in the videos since they are still early in development and haven't implemented them yet.

If anyone has questions, I'd be happy to help (:
Lol no offense, but it sounds like the moderator-to-member ratio is a bit high. Do they just let anyone who asks be a moderator?

And I signed up for the beta test. I get sooooooo many emails now from them.