L15-16 is by far the most populated bracket. There's a ton of decent skilled players here; more than than in most brackets (from personal experience). Also this bracket is very forgiving gear wise. I spent in total 2.7m on my pvp rogue set (including jewels) and I am pretty competitive in vs and clash.

The class balance is amazing, its NO longer a case of rogue>mage and tank. Each class can beat any other class (you can adapt your build to face different style of opponents and this goes for every type of class) I know because I have every type of class at l15-16.

I know that many of you tried and it's a lot of ganging etc... but it has great potential and it's actually on the mend (getting better). The biggest guilds are now giving slots and its a less hostile environment. Most of the players here at 15-16 will accept vs anytime as opposed to ganging you if you ask them nicely.

Here is a taste of l15-16 check the channel for videos on rogue l16 vs no pet style. (more videos to be uploaded on different classes)
