Good Evening Bears.

I am Mrknify, and would like to tell you about my build.

first the stats,

Level 21 (don't scoff just read)
STR 88
DEX 36
INT 2 (yes this will be fixed as when i started i saw a bump on an attribute from adding 1 int at the time)
hit% 73
Crit 9
Dodge 5
Health 654
Regen 7
Mana 401
regen 3 (with my current skills i never need a potion)
damage 71-87
DPS 79
Armor 35

Crusaders Merc Helm
Redfangs Platinum Axe
Black Chain of Ahnold (had the red one found 2 blacks so far like the look of black, also had green blue.)
Crusaders Spiked Wooden Buckler
Iron Band of Life

now i've been looking at the builds and i like the BBB build (all dex) but i am not sure if I am willing to go that way at this time.

STOMP 4 - 6 mana, 5 sec cooldown, 8m area, 82-93 damage + knock-back + stun
Taunt 5 - 0 mana, 6 sec cooldown, 12m area, taunt + 12 sec. buff (+6 dodge)
Super Mega Slash 6 - 8 mana, 4 sec cooldown, 4m range, 90-139 damage + 20-90% stun
Crushing Blow 5 - 4 mana, 4 sec. cooldown, 3m range, reduce damage -50%, dodge -25%

ordered on screen from top
Crushing blow

use in order from top. pulls them in, weakens stab and scatter. i try to target the range attackers first as they die in one round, by the second round taunt has just cleared the global timer and is good for a double up. if I have a healer, in any dungeon my level I am unstopable. i've run straight to bosses and cleared them (using heeal pots)

currently i am dumping all levels into str. as this allows for better gear. have a hard time finding groups that allow me to get aggro from mobs, alot just like to try to dps and i watch them run around alot. other bears get in my way, especially when i am trying to post to a corner for max aoe on groups.

ok enough that is a bit of a whiners excuse.

good bear tanking tips, get aggrom early and often. pull around corners were another bear is waiting, that bear stomps, you back out of corner, stomp, then both bears can work in tandem alternating who holds corner and who stomps, with a good healer, any boss room can be controlled this way with no deaths.

i will agree on the dex bear especially for stomp, as if your hit is maxed your not going to miss very easily and that keeps them in the corner.

sms then stomp combo awesom for sending the dead flying away.

more to follow.