Quote Originally Posted by Bluebatthing View Post
The thing is, once a certain guild has earned the reputation of always blocking, ganging, and not playing fair, what do other guilds do when they encounter members from such guild? Yeah, block and gang first. On the issue of fair, most tactical members seem to think fighting against lvl 16s is fair. Before you start "oh, 1 level is not that big a of a difference, we fight 18s and 19s all the time", just answer this very simple question, full team of 16s vs a full team of 17s, equal gears, equal pets, equal skills, who do you think is going to win?

I think the number 1 cause of the problem you mentioned is the trash talking, and every guild have trash talking members, some more than others. Gold payouts will definitely promotes fair clashes, but only temporarily. What really needs to be done is for every guild masters and officers in this bracket to strictly enforce and promote fair play, only then we can see an improvement on this issue.
I have absolutely 0 issues with doing a 4v5 against 16s, but even then they complain that I'm 17. My issue is when they think 3v5 is the only " Fair" game for 16 vs 17. And yes yes we do fight 18s and 19s without complaints. But that's us, and we don't care. However the 16s do seem to care so I'll oblige, if I have a good and ready team

P.s. Stop mentioning you're 16 @thelevel16players. We already know, and telling us makes no difference