Quote Originally Posted by Samhayne View Post
Hey Bronislav,

If reserving your name is something that has value to you, you can purchase a name reservation. More details located here. Otherwise it is a Free-to-Play game and first come will be first served. If you have a friend with an Android Device that is capable of accessing the Limited Beta, then you could borrow it for a few minutes, download the game, log in with your same account credentials you use to log into Pocket Legends (your Spacetime Account) and create a character with the name you want.
But I did reserve my character name already on my Android My Touch 4g from T-mobile. Not only is it not Verizon, but I don't own the name in PL that I want (My reserve will likely not be used for a main in SL) and was going to grab it on release. Now I must get into the beta to be able to do this. What if I don't?

My post was an attempt to point out that people who simply don't have access to the beta in any way and refuse to spend 50p (But may have spent hundreds on other items) are left out of this. Basically "screwed over" completely by STS.