Hi to all tk members.In the program of rebuilding guild, decided to host a weekly mini event that our members would be interested.Prize....an officer spot!!!
For those take up the challenge... providing themselves worthy to be officer on our rising guild.
Event is simple every week our recruiters will have the chance to become officer based on their pvp or pve abilities and their recruiting spirit.
Every recruiter must have 10 recruits by the end of the week and himself to have :1)arcane ring 2)arcane egg(Magma eligible too) 3)glin weapon or arcane weapon or 41 cap weapon winners will be announced every Monday.Event starts every Sunday and starting by now
Who qualifies to join guild??
Lv 44-46 players and
Whoever has one of those :
1)arcane ring 2)arcane egg(Magma eligible too) 3)glin weapon or arcane weapon or 41 cap weapons
How to become recruiter??
Be with us 3 days
That's the criteria for now guys have fun and gl, further information will be given soon on a guild forum but for now applications for join can be made here and questions on game ty