Hey everybody, time for me to provide my intro. I'm a long time player with a couple of characters but new poster to the forums. I love the community here, it's one of the best things that sets Pocket Legends apart from all the other MMOs out there. Letsee what else... Well my play style is mostly aggressive, PVE only. I like to try out some min/max testing with things like damage, armor and skills. I absolutely LOVE combos and I love learning better ways to work as a team. I also enjoy giving back to the community a bit and helping out lower-level players who are interested in learning. I'm against power-leveling however since that's a quick way to end up with players who don't understand their role and can't combo (did I mention that I love combos? ;-D ). Glad to be here, drop me a note if you're up for chatting or working on combos some time!