These are a few bugs ive come across in the two days ive been playing
In the wepon crafter terminal all the rifles requires an aponent called the type IV scoped a-ok and even when you have that item on your inventory it dosnt register on the recipe witch in turn keeps u from crafting the item

Next the miners with aliens on thier heads in delta they heal them selfs so fast its pretty much imposible To kill them

And also im delta mine the last boss can be dmged by the comando dmg aura
And on a second note instead of having him in that circle you should make it bigger and he shouldnt be in there and agro right away all your team mates should have to be in the circle then some cave in happens and you cant get out of the circle there for handling the loss of agro and respawn of boss because of people who arent to good at playing like resetting the boss

Another thing is the price of stem pack are to much and the price u can sell gear for is to little and to fixated around 1 to 2 credits each every.item should be price by stats atributes ect making it easier or instead of causeing inflation in the game you could just lower the price of stem packs in genral and yes I know that you shouldnt have to use them to often but people dont know how too heal and this creates a problem causing you to use stem packs

And having to spend 1200 - 1500 credits for hundred stem packs takes you all day to farm it inless you get a green that will sell in the auction terminal for a.hefty.price

And also in the cycorp zone when you have to plant the explosives all over

the eggs always pop out so lets say you had to solo it you cant plant the explosives because everytime your hit the bomb cacles out of the arming sequince so its impossible to solo that lvl and this should be fixed so it dosnt reset or you just make five waves of the aliens come out of the eggs

Anyways these are.a few bugs ive noticed and just an insight to what I think should be fixed