
May be old news, but it's been brought to my attention that in the future, PL will be getting the feature that's being brought to SL: When XP is locked, no kills are gained. I personally hate this idea, the reason behind it is to prevent people from getting on boards by farming kills in fathom as a level 27 or in LE as a 32, correct? I don't see the use in it personally. People can do the same exact thing (only easier) with the PvP boards, and they do. There isn't anything being done to try and prevent that.

I think the easiest thing to do would be just to remove the KD boards, if they make it so locked XP equals no kills, then won't the boards be almost frozen? Won't it take ages, if ever for those people to be knocked off by those who aren't twinks/don't have XP locked?

I personally don't have Alts specifically for ratio, I have twinks that I farm with that have little or no deaths, yes, but I don't just clear mobs and leave. I see it as, a kill is a kill. It's fun to see your kills go up, and achieve, 6, 7, 8 K kills. Like my freind said, it's more of a self achievement. Twinking is extremely popular, and I see this Implement as favoring end game.

Another idea is to have leaderboards go by level range. If you're on a level 1-5 alt, it shows the level 1-5 leader boarders, 6-10 shows levels 6-10 etc.

If they lock PvE kills for twinks, why not lock PvP as well? I don't see it as being much different. A twink is made for PvP or PvE purposes. Also, why won't deaths be locked?

I don't see any use for leader boards personally, may just be me, but I only find it boosting egos and an achievement for you to try and get when you're bored and don't want to farm. I don't see it as being any different from if they decided to make it so level 56 players can't get kills.

Sorry if this is rantish/rude/contradicting/badly worded, wrote it in a rush. I'm just really irked by the thought of this being implemented...

