Quote Originally Posted by Flickz:385434
You are WRONG! If one of your friends saw you while you were on a walk and you were talking about how you really want five dollars and he just so happens to find a five dollar bill are you just gonna stop being his friend because he has "no manners" lmfao
Would I expect a friend to give me a 5 that he finds, simply cuz I need it? No. in fact that is what I have said several times, lol.

I'll repeat: I have said that very thing several times.

Should someone, anyone, give someone a drop for no other reason but that they "need" it? No. I have said that several times.

I'll repeat: I have said that very thing several times. This game has no such tradition or requirment.

Ok, so i'm walking around town, and man do I need a 5. My friend is walking up the street towards me and finds a 5. Is there any reason he needs to just give me that 5? No. l'll repeat: No, no reason at all.

I'll repeat: no, no reason at all.

But, if he was a generous kind of guy, he might think back to how just last week I gave him a 5 when he needed it.

I'll repeat: just last week I gave him a 5 when he needed it.

So.... If he was a generous kind of guy - - - he COULD - - - if he WANTED to - - -say, "Hey! Look at the drop I just got! Hmmm... I know you need one of these things, and, well, after all, you gave me one of these things just last week when I needed it, ssoooooo, imma going to just go ahead and give this to you. Not because, I have to, but because i'm feeling generous because you gave me one last week".

I'll repeat: he gave the guy the 5 NOT because he had to, but because he wanted to.

Why, did he want to give away the 5 he just found? To repay the favor that he recieved when he was in need. Did he have to? Was he required to? Should he have been expected to? No.

I'll repeat: no.

I feel for the op, though. And, I was suggesting that you should never expect a favor to be repaid or expect people to act in a generous way.

I'll repeat: don't expect it.

Sometimes they will, but don't expect it.

I'll repeat: sometimes they will, but don't expect it.

Now the question is: why?

Why, am I suggesting, that you should not expect people to be generous and/or repay a favor?

First off, there are many who will. There are many wonderful people in this game and in the world. But, not everyone will. Ssssoooooo, don't expect it.

I'll repeat: some will, but don't expect it.

So, back to question: why? Why am I suggesting that you should not expect people to be generous and/or repay a favor?

I'll repeat: why?

I mean, shouldn't people be generous and repay favors? Imo, yes. Just, don't expect it.

I'll repeat: don't expect it

Why? Answer = for the sake of your own happiness, peace of mind and sanity. Because it's not gonna happen nearly as often as it should. And, if you expect it as often as it's due you are gonna be constantly disappointed.

I'll repeat: why do that to yourself?

And, I don't mean doing something like writing on the chalkboard 100 times "I will not expect it" "I will not expect it". But, then live in a state of denial and anguish. Because, deep down you still really expect it.

I mean, really, really wiggle things around in your mind till ya really are ok with this situ and you truly, no longer expect it. Kinda, a zen-like centering.

I'll repeat: Ummm........

People are not always gonna repay favors or be generous. So, don't expect it.

I'll repeat: don't expect it.

Just be the kind of person you think you should be, and you'll do fine. Don't let people take advantage of you, but if you think generousity is important, don't let people burn that out of you.

I'll repeat: To thy ownself be true.

One last point. In my last post in this thread, I made a point that I didn't directly bring up in this post. But, a few other posters on this thread have done quite a bit to prove my point for me. It's like you wanted to save me some time or something. I feel like I should take the time to thank you for helping me.

I repeat: Thank you.