I doubt any of you remember me or know me at all, but I was quite the forum guy (Making AL Props if you remember) and the avid player. I left AL for good around 10 months ago, but couldn't quite stay away from the forums. Something drew me back to it every day just to, you know, see what's up. I'm letting go of my ties to this game, which I started playing in November of 2012. I've grown so much more, and learned a lot of things from the people in-game (Clichè right?) and even made a lifelong friend.

Nothing comes close to having me addicted to a game than AL and Destiny on the PS4. I love the community, shared my laughs, and shed some tears (Samhayne, Delphina, Remiem), and I actually am crying posting this 😢. I'm currently 16 years old and I started playing this when I was 12. As I look back, I see the friends I made, the first Mythics released, and the hype for Kraken Expansion. Before I left, I was a collector of rare items you wouldn't find so much in the game. I still have 31 Vanity Sets lying in my inventory. I couldn't get by with the other Hardcore players so I lived off of buying and selling collectors items.

Thank you so much if you are reading this. Thank you to the players who helped me when I was new. Vystirch, Myst, True, Whirlwind, I love you guys. Those were some of the top-tier players I met while I was getting absolutely obliterated in PvP when it first came out. They taught me so much, helped me earn my first 100k. I still haven't reached my first million, but, I know would have if I worked harder. I'm sorry I'm not giving my items away, it's in a collector's naturally greedy trait that we keep our things. I'm moving to bigger, better things like Uni, Destiny (add me on PSN doublezeus) and Family.

My final words are, I love this game and the community it built. Thanks to everyone who was a part of it. I wish you all a great experience for this game, much like I did. I remember when AL Houses were just an idea in the forums a really long time ago. I keep crying, because I have so many memories with this game.

May our paths cross again. Bye