So you think you can beat it?
This will be an extreme contest, mainly for lv55/56s.
This will be based on your power and teamwork.
There will be a final huge prize to each member of the winning team.
We will have rounds of practice.
This is the contest:
I will pick a dungeon and have you(a team of four) run the dungeon.
I will stay at the entrance and start time when everyone has agreed to say go.
Time ends when the boss is dead.
The party members must all be 55/56.
You get to pick which members are on your team.
You are allowed to run as many times as you want in the given dungeon, but I must be there to record it. You may not substitute any members.
Anything in the dungeon can be used, orbs, etc.
NO ELIXIRS of any kind allowed!
I must be the host of the party, and the I will create the dungeon.
I will have you run maps with your team of four and see which team wins.
Every time your team gets the fastest time, you earn a point.
At the end, the team with the most points will be awarded a prize to each member.
To sign up, please select a team captain and form a team of FOUR.
I must be in the dungeon to time it.
This will be an on-going competition running almost every map.
Remember every second counts, so no talking, no dying, etc.
There is no entrance fee.

Signed Up:

Grand Prize: TBA
First Prize/Honorable Mentions: TBA