So all I see is commando's running around using rifles. They all say they are tank spec. (AoE spec would be wastelander or sergeant thumper).

I am just curious as to why everyone and their mama uses rifles? Yes it has the highest max damage, which is great for killing trash in a team. But it's DPS is lower than the sergeants light pistol.
I think in a big team, the heavy max damage might do good killing trash..because they die so quickly. But if you are in a tank spec, wouldn't you want to build the highest DPS possible for more hate generation? I am guessing one of two things:

Since it is only a 4 point DPS different, people feel it is okay to sacrifice the minor amount of dps for the awesomesauce look of the rifle.
They feel that killing trash faster is of more benefit.

Don't get me wrong, I was/am tempted to use rifle, but I am just trying to understand. I am currently running around with sergeant light pistol and eagle eye implant. DPS at 83.
