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    Banned Flowman's Avatar
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    Default Trial Commando Build

    So I was thinking about commando builds and it seems a lot of people are maxing out the taunt skills. However, I decided to try a new idea on my LVL 25 COMMANDO:

    ***NOTE - I have not tried this build out yet in game. I made it based on what I thought would work. I'll update after some trials***

    I don't like force hammer or graviton slam - Force hammer's damage just isn't good. It gets a 1 strictly for boss taunting as it's single target. Graviton Slam get's a 1 because although it's AOE, it's directional AOE. I'm going to try to use it strictly for it's slowing factor. This way, incoming mobs take longer to get to me (if they're not ranged based) allowing me to unload force hammer (if needed...) and Increase Mass.

    Next is Nebula because I love it. A lot of people don't even use it, but for Numa levels I find it necessary. The 5 AOE hits over 10 seconds is great background damage to slowly knock away health of enemies. It's DOT and it's AOE...what's not to like? Since you'll eventually have all mobs on you with your AOE taunts, dispatching them as quickly as possible will be ideal, and AOE damage 5 times while your other skills recharge is pretty awesome.

    That takes care of the first 3...Now for the other 4.

    Immediately after casting Nebula, I will cast Gravity Well. At lvl 4, I'm assuming the pull will be pretty decent. Highest of the AOE damages for the commando, and is similar to the beckon skill. This does NOT taunt, and is merely used to get every mob in the area closer to you. This skill takes time to hit.

    While waiting for gravity well to hit, I will then Increase Mass - Level 6. This skill gives 300 armor maxed at lvl 6. However, the most notable thing about it is the fact that at the max level there is NO debuff to your dodge or your crit. At the current time, this skill at lvl 1 would make my dodge and my crit 0%. Kind of defeats the purpose of having more armor if you have a 0% chance of dodging the attacks. Then again, people are still testing whether dodge is more beneficial than armor, so this is temporary. 300 extra armor will allow me to tank a lot more efficiently.

    Once pull hits, cast Neutron Stomp. With knockdown and taunt, this skill hits almost immediately. Because of the knockdown, we have time to cast our next skill.

    The last skill in the chain is Singularity, used immediately after Neutron stomp. Very high damage (commando skill wise) and is similar to PL's stomp. What makes this different from Neutron stomp is that Singularity pushes targets away, while Neutron stomp makes them fall down. This is why Singularity is used AFTER. This skill also has taunt.

    With all the time the enemies spend on the ground, your skills will have time to recharge. I feel this combo gives points to the skills that cause the most damage while still including all 4 taunt skills for the sake of crowd control. The extra armor will help with when your taunts work, and the AOE skill Nebula is for DOT so you can focus on getting crown control while the game does damage for you.

    The HP regen, Mana Regen, ans Crit boost skills were NOT used because Engineers are supposed to be healing whenever they why waste points on something that doesn't heal all that much anyways. Mana regen was nice when I used to have it...and I might consider using it again as this build isn't really based ENTIRELY on causing damage (skill decreases damage at first). Crit boost isn't really needed as again, skills aren't meant as damage dealers. At lvl 25, there are plenty of reasons to use each skill, but with the current number of points we have, I feel leaving these 3 at 0 for the time being is the best idea. If I had to pick an 8th skill to use without removing the original 7, I'd pick the crit boost as you can always buy more mana pots...can't buy a critical hit...but that's for another day and another cap raise.

    For my armor I use the full plat Sergeants with the Wastelander for normal mobs (AOE damage) and the Sergeant's repulsor rifle for bosses. Best HP and Mana and the best hit % to lose 6 armor and like 12 strength. Worth it IMO. I use the hit % implant so my skills don't miss as much.
    Last edited by Flowman; 08-27-2011 at 05:52 PM.


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