Do you have a great idea for a star legends Weapon? Well post it here! We can discuss each others ideas, build of them and show off concept art.

Heres my ideas:

Engineer 1h : Energy throwing globes. Have you seen Starwars phantom menace where Jar-Jar-Binks has those blue globes? It would be like this. You could run out of balls, and then you would be weaponless. Different color globes could mean different procs etc. The higher level globes could explode on contact make them Aoe. They can be equipped with shields. Medium damage, medium range, medium speed weapons that allow engineers to do Aoe damage while staying in the back of the team and healing/buff.

Operative 1h : Laser whip . This would be a glowing long blue/red/green/etc whip, that would have a 12 meter range or so. When we get shields, this could go with them for a more close range style of fighting. Very fast high dps weapon.

Commando 1h : Power fist. This would be a thick gauntlet type cover for the right hand. Think of it like Hellboy arm mixed with a medieval chain link glove. Except glowing/sparking and spiked. This would almost have no range, however could be held with a shield. These gloves would be Aoe becuase in one swipe you could hit many. Slow but huge damage

Just my ideas, ill add some concept art. We want your Ideas!! So comment, critique, and add to the ideas.

Disclaimer: No trolling allowed