Just introducing myself here - I made another post in a thread, when someone pointed out my first post on forums was a long rant about swearing that probably made little or no cohesive sense, so I figured I'd post a better 'first post' here!

Currently a level 27 bear, IGN Gotrocks (pronounced got rocks? with the question mark =P), lots of mmo experience going all the way back to the EQ days. Being a tank had always been the way to go for me - being in the front drawing aggro is by far the best way to play an mmorpg. I was pleasantly surprised to find out that crowd control is also left mainly up to the bears - and now im in heaven =). Im a pretty nice guy (though blatant stupidity will always be met with caustic cynicism), dont mind being poked fun at (flame on!) and am generally easy to get along with (unlike my wife. harharhar!). Feel free to send me a friend request in game, as it seems every random person i walk by does anyway, or send me a tell and ill be happy to say hi! And my appologies in advance if i ask a stupid question that is met with caustic cynicism by the community (lol)!