Quote Originally Posted by Physiologic View Post
In your equations the multiplier for crit should be 1.33, not 0.33. 1.33 would mean 33% extra damage already added to your normal attack, because 0.33 is technically 1/3rd your normal attack (which is not your predefined way to calculate crit). Also, since you're using a total of n=100 hits per equation to define what hit% is, you'll need to subtract how many times you crit from how many times you hit, since a crit roll is not independent of your hit roll.
His crit bonus damage is fine. He already takes the base damage in the first step and then for every crit, he adds the extra 33%. I posted the results adjusted for number of crits based on the amount of landed hits above. if he used 1 1/3, he'd be adding the base 2x.

That is assuming that crits work like neoneo posted ughh you posted...