REPORT NUMBER: 20110830-22-thequickone

TITLE: Purchase Stash Slots Button Visible After Slot Limit Reached

DESCRIPTION: I have purchased the maximum number of Stash Slots allowed for my account, 250 total. Prior to a couple patches ago, the "Purchase Stash Slots" button (accessible via the menu on the Stash Terminal) was not shown following purchase up to the total amount of slots allowed. After the last major content update, the "Purchase Stash Slots" button has returned. I can press the button and select either of the three purchase options, but any transaction is cancelled along with the message "purchase cancelled, would exceed stash slot limit".


1) Launch Star Legends Version (67568.71020.68093)
2) Start or resume a game using any Player Character (PC).
3) Access Stash Terminal and purchase up to the maximum quantity of stash slots allowed (250). Note: PC must be at least level 5 to access the Stash Terminal and Platinum is required to purchase additional Stash Slots.
4) Notice once the Stash Slot limit of 250 slots is reached, the purchase button remains but is not usable.

Device Name - HTC Evo 4G on Sprint Network (Hardware version 0004)
Wikipedia Link -
Additional Information - The device is NOT rooted and is using stock firmware (Android 2.3.3). Data connection over Wi-Fi.
Third Party Software - None that would be known to interfere.

GAME DOWNLOADED FROM: Spacetime Studios download link (update link provided in-game)