Quote Originally Posted by Fyrce View Post
Yeah, i dont get it. Just do the quests and open the areas. You will get chests w stuff and eggs and everything a new olayer needs. After checking the allies, doing the wandering minstrel and the beastmaster quests, I'm not even sure it will take 10 days. In the meantime, you actually learn to play the game instead of sitting in town begging for handouts.
not all new players begg in town or have trubble learn playing the game fast, alot of ppl have played simular games like this and then it isnt to hard learn it. Dont bring all new player over one comb. The game need new players all the time to survive. So making it easy for them is good, if it isnt a cost of making it hard for old players ofcourse. I do agree if this is somthing that really helps in the long road then im fine with it.