I've checked every build on the forums and while some were close to what I was looking for, none matched up with the idea. Thanks, tho.

Here's what I have at 24, it works well with a second commando and *can* main tank, but I tend to eat stims like that. Otherwise, in a well rounded group I'm fine. Disclaimer: this is not a solo build, in testing this build did poorly in solo runs


Here's my experiences/ .02

Force hammer is single target, I don't need it. Neutron stomp is useful if your surrounded but with this build if your in that tight of a situation for it to be useful, your probably going down anyway. Vigor is a tank buff and could be useful but the points, to me, are better served elsewhere. Singularity, aoe knockback good damage, gets full 6/6. Graviton slam, slow effect is a big help as well as being an important taunt if you have to tank, gets 6/6 because it's okay damage, cone aoe and slow effect increase. Kinetic Resevoir speaks for itself but I found 5/6 to be sufficient. Gravity well, again, aoe plus the pull is a nice set up for either GS or Singularity. Nebula is great, but requires staying close and, like neutron stomp, things can get dicey. Growing rage is a 1 and will get the next point at 25 for +20 crit, which might not seem as good as full 6 of 6; all the aoe damage rolls, however, do add up for a pretty decent damage increase.

Anyway, that's what I've got so far. I'm not sure how it stacks up damage wise to punk's build, or anyone elses for that matter. I do know I wipe groups of enemies out as fast as anyone else and it's fun to play. One additional note, I switch between cannons and rifles for guardian runs, but most other maps I stick with a rifle for pure skill damage increase.